“The day the power of love overrules the love of power the world will know peace”-Mahatma Ganghi

Looking at the world situation makes it hard for me to feel hope and love at times. How do I do this when there is so much injustice and violence towards the human race, and lack of care for the earth that sustains us as we get further and further away from our purpose?  This is a question I have been asked a lot lately.

The only answer is to follow the path of the heart.  What does this mean? It means to experience the world with our heart.  We must begin to see, hear, feel and speak with the heart.  There is no trying to explain it or rationalize it with our mind.  Only to do it with our heart.  The heart has no known language, does not judge or have the need to analyze.  It only looks more objectively at the world as it passes by.  Just be in it and be quite.  Stop the internal dialogue that has governed your life for far too long and just be.  
 “What is love?”, you might be asking, “How does love feel?  How do you know when you have found love?”  For some the answer to these questions will come easy while for others it will turn into a life long quest.  Love is the special feeling of the heart that brings ecstasy to our existence.  This ecstasy -the feeling a human being gets when he or she is connected to the sky and to the Earth and the animals and the colors of the sunrise and sunset-is the power of love. Love is the nurturing power that keeps the universe and our own existence together.  Love is the beginning to all healing!
The universe was created by the Great Spirit with the power of love, that same love nurtures our bodies and our hearts and our spirits.  It makes us whole.  Love is the nurturing power that sustains us.  Without that love none of us would live, and we couldn’t give back to the Earth in return.”
May we all pray to open our hearts even more and share our love with our loved ones and the world so that we may begin to heal our ancestral wounds.
-Inspired by Brent Secunda