Joaquina Cante, Shaman, Dipl.OM, Certified Herbalist


Joaquina has always felt a deep connection to nature. Growing up in Ecuador she learned to listen to the voices of nature; to be a free spirit like her horses; the power of silence; and the intricacies of human relationships. During these magical years she enjoyed connecting with the Apus (Mountain Spirits) of the Andes Mountains which would help lay the foundation for her path that was to follow.

 Coming back to the States at 20 years of age sent her into a deep depression that almost cost her life. In the darkest hour of her soul and on the verge of suicide, she began looking for answers. By sheer coincidence and a partial miracle, she was guided to the Shambala Mountain Center in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Not knowing what was in store for her, she followed. It was here that the spirits decided to deeply awaken the forgotten pieces of her soul. Sitting before Buddha in prayer and tears, Joaquina had her first direct experience into the world of the other.

Watching her whole life unravel in front of her eyes and feeling the visceral intensity arising in her body from all her pain of guilt and shame her body began to tremble with a new energy. She saw her own pain, the pain of others, and the pain of the Earth herself. Just when she thought she would disappear into another place, she saw Buddha began to cry out of his left eye as he extended his right arm to touch her left shoulder. In an instant, all of that overwhelming pain and suffering was transformed into pure compassion and love that awakened every cell in her body. 

Shortly after, she also met her first teacher by pure chance, a Lakota Medicine Man trained in the lineage of Archie Lame Deer, with whom she trained for 8 years.  During these valuable years, Joaquina learned of the “ancient ways” of spirit, teachings of the elders, shadow work, how to commune with spirits and of ancient ceremonies. In one of her most powerful initiations, Joaquina had a near-death experience where she crossed over into the spirit realm and was gifted her “medicine bundle” from the star beings of her planet of origin. This profound experience initiated her as a Shamaness.  It would take her over 10 years to begin to interpret and integrate what happened to her during this experience.

Guided by this newfound energy, Joaquina also quickly enrolled in a CranioSacral Therapy program, that shortly after led her into getting her Master’s of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbology.

 After several years of training with the Lakota, Joaquina reconnected with her roots in South America and began studying the plant traditions of this region. She has studied under several teachers of this tradition for the last 15 years.  Now, she  studies of plant medicines and ancient wisdom with her dear friend and respected Shaman Javin Gutierrez of the Machiguenga tribe in the Manu Province of Peru. 

 Joaquina’s wish is to infuse and share the sacred gifts of her “medicine bundle” with those she meets to help them awaken to a new vision for the planet and our future where we are all of one rainbow of one sacred hoop learning to exist together as one.  Joaquina owns a thriving Community Acupuncture clinic in Boulder where she sees people in person. 


Ayllu Masikunapa~Mitakuye Oyasin~All My Relations




Joaquina is of Diné (Navajo) and Mayan descent.  She is respected in her community as a source of knowledge about shamanic practices, plant based medicines, healing modalities, ancient teachings, snd spiritual guidance.     

Her studies in healing art modalities include CranioSacral Therapy, Trauma Touch Therapy, Chinese Medicine, and energy healing.  Her spiritual training involves ancient initiation work and ceremonies, shadow work, spirit walker initiation, and other training that has no name.  

Her specialties include healing and ceremony work using Lakota songs and Icaros of South America influence, extractions, spiritual/shamanic healings, ferry man crossing, and activation of the energetic blueprint.  She practices a very rare ancient way of healing that has transformed many peoples’ lives.  For more than 15 years, she has humbly committed her life to being of service to others. On her free time she also enjoys teaching, spending time with family, and saying prayers that deepen her love with nature.  She also enjoys volunteering her time in Native communities of the United States and South America.

Driven with a passion to help preserve the knowledge of ancient teachings and plant medicines Joaquina now dedicates her life to healing and teaching others the way of the heart.